13 Oct 2008
0 CommentsDigital Policy #3: Startup Investment and Taxes
During the current credit crunch, you can imagine that getting startups financed is a big challenge. And, you’d be totally right. In Canada, with our rapidly diminishing venture capital system, startup financing was tough long before the current financial situation.
Yet, for our economy the healthy generation and regeneration of young companies is a motor that drives our future economic well being – or doesn’t. The startup economy represents the most likely path to diversify beyond such industries as automotive manufacturing (a just over 100 year old industry), not to mention to find the next Research in Motion’s.
Hot sectors like web, mobile, green technology and life sciences, transform knowledge and research into valuable commercial businesses via a healthy appetite for capital. In another post, we’ll examine why, particularly in Canada, there is less insitutional capital, such as venture capital, available to these startups. We’ll also examine issues like international visibility of Canadian technology, LSIFs, historical returns and the like.
With institutional capital frozen like never before, we are reliant upon angels, high net worth individuals, strategic investors and friends and family like never before to build our startup future. As a result, I’d like to focus on measures that our federal and provincial governments can take to increase capital investment flowing to startups.
Here, in no particular order, are a few sample issues with our tax system and recommended approaches to removing such barriers investment:
- Simplify those parts of our tax system, such as the necessity to have complex and expensive Exchangeable Shares to implement many cross border structures and M&A transactions. In particular, many startups build Canadian-based global business and, as such, need to have global (often US) structures around Canadian-centred operations. Right now, the strctures necessary to achieve global value, are unreasonably expensive.
- Likewise, the key Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) refundable tax credit is critical for many early stage companies. The costly structural intricacies of keeping Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC) status through many cross-border and financing transactions needs to be simplied. Almost every company I’ve worked with or invested in has spent tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars in CCPC workarounds.
- Many common early stage investment approaches, such as convertible debentures, can be a challenge for angel investors. These typically pay a “coupon rate” of interest which is almost never actually paid out, but instead converted into additional equity in the early stage business. Although received in equity rather than cash, CRA treats this “accrued interest” as income. While many individuals and big institutional investors with their Limited Partnership structures generally get tax deferral on this accrued interest, simpler corporate and holding company structures don’t. The increased legal and accounting complexity to work around this often acts as another barrier to early stage investment.
- Many of the issues that affect employees and management of startups that we discussed in Digital Policy #2: Taxing Talent Down the (Brain) Drain also intersect with the angel investment community. For example, many serial entrepreneurs adopt a “hands-on” investment model in which they invest both talents and returns garnered from previous successes.
- Ideally, without the government getting into the problematic business of “picking winners”, taxes could really jump start investment. For example, a tax strategy to allow tax free “roll overs” on gains from one investment to be injected into another business without triggering the gain, could be extremely effective. In this model, the tax would be payable only when the money was taken out of active investment.
- Going even further, instead of LSIFs, tax policy could be designed to top up certain qualifying angel rounds. Clearly good design would be essential, but the main strategy would be to piggy back on investment decisions and risks being taken by investors. This could be implemented either as a tax credit (as with LSIFs) or potentially through a separate matching investment body which would back existing deals.
A direct outcome of undue tax system complexity, is that it acts as a brake on investment. As a country our future depends on healthy investment in the businesses that will build future prosperity. We are a nation of talented, global thinkers. But, without the capital to harness that passion and energy, we risk losing the economic strength we all have come to take for granted.While it may not be the sexiest topic during our current campaign, this area may well be one of the most important.
23 Nov 2008
0 CommentsCounter-cyclical Optimism
Is this a good time for startups? In the midst of the greatest financial turmoil in most people’s living memory and with several posts about the challenges of startup finance, it’s time to counter with an optimistic message about startups.
Perhaps I’m sanguine, having almost always raised capital against some of the worst macroeconomic cycles, such as the Asian Financial crisis in October 1995, the Quebec Referendum of 1997, not to mention the technology meltdown of 2000. In the end, although closed at less favourable valuations, the financings got done, proving to me that businesses can get built in the midst of even the toughest economic and market conditions.
These experiences taught me that perhaps the best time to launch a startup may well be in an economic downturn. As counter-intuitive as it may seem, it worked for well known companies like Skype, Google, Expedia and Apple’s iPod. Here’s why.
First of all, innovations which involve disruption to existing pricing models, are likely to be most successful during economic downturns. Businesses and consumers, looking for ways to reduce cash burn, are way more open to new ways that optimize their cash burn. Startups need to focus on this fact at such times.
Secondly, tough times mean less competitive pressure and marketing noise. With fewer over-financed competitors to deal with, getting noticed is easier and customer acquisition costs are significantly lower.
Mark Organ, founding CEO of Eloqua, tells of the challenges of raising his first angel round in April 2000, during the tech meltdown. Closing that round was discouragingly difficult. That being said, by making small, measured investments around a fine tuned strategy leveraged by working with SalesForce.com, he and his team, built the business during very difficult times for software businesses.
In the end, most entrepreneurs are have strong passion for what they do. They are accustomed to swimming upstream and being considered contrarians. And, as we’ve shown, many times such contrary times are the best launching innovative startups.